2012 SAR Architecture for Health Spring Conference

When:  May 18, 2012

Chautauqua 3.0 on Regional Healthcare Architecture
18 May 2012 · Madren Conference Center · Clemson, SC

Better, Faster, Smarter

Make your hotel reservations NOW at The Martin Inn:
888.654.9020 or 864.654.9020

(register now, limited to 125 participants)
AIA Member Rate $150.00
Non-AIA Member Rate $200.00
Student-Faculty Rate $75.00


Check-In – Late Registration (if space is available) with Continental Breakfast

Session 1
Keynote Address
Fable Hospital 2.0:  The Business Case for Building Better Hospitals
Speaker:  Blair Sadler, J.D., Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement Faculty – UCSD School of Medicine and Rady School of Management
1.5 HSW LUs pending

Session 2
Panel Discussion
Facilities Design for Patient and Family-Centered Care in a Cost Containment World
The Mandate for Quality of Care and Safety Improvements and Facilites Design Implications
Speaker:  Rick Foster, Senior VP, Quality of Care and Patient Safety, SCHA
The Business Case:  The Mandate of Cost Containment Implications Overlying the Quality of Care and Safety Mandate
Speaker:  Mark Lyles, Chief Strategic Officer, Medical University of South Carolina
Moderator:  Byron M. Edwards, AIA, ACHA
1.5 HSW LUs pending


Session 3
  Increasing Value, Reducing Risk, Improving Outcome, Federally Qualified Health Centers in Rural Mississippi
Speaker:  Patrick Sun, AIA, ACHA, NCARB, Chief Planning Officer, Delta Health Center
1.5 HSW LUs pending

Session 4 
3:45- 5:15
Integrated Project Delivery
Speaker:  Randy Kaiser, VP Healthcare Group, Turner Construction
1.5 HSW LUs pending

Thank you to our 2012 Sponsors of the Chautauqua 3.0





James F. Martin Inn
240 Madren Center Drive
Clemson, SC 29634