Earn 1 HSW/SD CEH | 12-1pm ET | 9-10am PT | Register Now at No Cost
Well-designed housing uses ventilation to maintain a healthy indoor environment and to provide thermal comfort with a low carbon footprint. However, the methods for achieving these goals – be they natural/passive or mechanical/active – impose significantly different design requirements on the form, fenestrations, and internal zoning of the residence.
With that in mind, presenters, Thomas A. Gentry, AIA, LEED AP, CDT and Robert W. Cox, Ph.D. define the basic methods for providing effective ventilation and explore their implications in the overall design process. They also describe design aids ranging from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to rules-of-thumb, and briefly review ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2-2010 - Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Lastly, they describe the work being done at the University of North Carolina Charlotte to couple whole-house fan-forced ventilation with real time power monitoring to reduce air conditioning loads. They will describe how this method could be well suited for existing and new housing throughout much of the United States.
This presentation draws from ongoing research at the University of North Carolina Charlotte that is funded in part by a U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Innovation Pilot Program (WIPP) grant.
This presentation is a part of the ongoing Housing Knowledge Community research webinar series. View the complete series archive.
Learning Objectives
- Explain key terminologies used in the design of residential ventilation.
- Identify the appropriate ventilation methods for specific ventilation needs, be it for indoor air quality or thermal comfort.
- Explain key resources for determining the spatial requirements of ventilation systems, both natural/passive and mechanical/active.
- Discuss how ventilation can make a design more socially and environmentally sustainable.

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Attendees will earn 1 HSW/SD CEH. A link to a survey will be provided both at the end of the webinar and in a follow-up email sent one hour after the end of the webinar. All attendees at each site submit one form: 1) page one: webinar survey and 2) page two: CES report form. The survey must be completed within 24 hours of the webinar. AIA members and IDP record holders will have their credit recorded within 48 hours of the webinar. All attendees will be prompted to download a certificate of completion at the end of the survey.
Please send your questions, comments and feedback to: knowledgecommunities@aia.org.