Earn 1.0 AIA HSW LUs | 12-1pm ET | 9-10am PT | Register Now at No Cost
Much of human exposure to outdoor air pollution often occurs indoors, particularly in residences where people spend most of their time. This presentation will highlight recent research exploring the impacts of two important influences on indoor concentrations of outdoor particulate matter in residential buildings: building envelopes and central HVAC systems and filters. In these measurements, the infiltration of outdoor particulate matter was shown to be predicted with reasonable accuracy using results from simple blower door air leakage tests. Also, the removal of indoor particles increased systematically with higher efficiency HVAC filters. Overall, these results suggest that occupants of older and leakier homes are exposed to much higher indoor concentrations of outdoor particles than those in newer and tighter homes. Additionally, the use of higher efficiency HVAC filters can have a large impact on reducing exposures. These data suggest that an occupant’s indoor exposure to outdoor air pollution can vary by a factor of more than 60, depending on building design and construction.
This presentation is a part of the ongoing Housing Knowledge Community research webinar series.
View the complete series archive.
Learning Objectives
- Describe what health effects are associated with indoor and outdoor airborne particulate matter.
- Describe the fundamental parameters that govern indoor concentrations of outdoor particulate matter.
- Describe how indoor concentrations of outdoor airborne pollutants vary between homes.
- Estimate how building design and operational characteristics influence people’s exposure to outdoor air pollution inside their homes.
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Attendees will earn 1.0 AIA HSW LUs. A link to a survey will be provided both at the end of the webinar and in a follow-up email sent one hour after the end of the webinar. All attendees at each site submit one form: 1) page one: webinar survey and 2) page two: CES report form. The survey must be completed within 24 hours of the webinar. AIA members and IDP record holders will have their credit recorded within 48 hours of the webinar. All attendees will be prompted to download a certificate of completion at the end of the survey.
Please send your questions, comments and feedback to: knowledgecommunities@aia.org.
Dr. Brent Stephens is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). He has a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Stephens and members of his Built Environment Research Group (www.built-envi.com) at IIT conduct energy and air quality research within the built environment, primarily with field measurements in and around buildings. Their work continues to advance building science methods for assessing energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and environmental exposures within buildings.
#HousingKnowledgeCommunity #Webinars