It's fine to let them pay directly, but make sure that the coordination portion of your fee does not go away. The client will still require you to coordinate with them. Typically that's what your mark-up on the consultant's fee is for. If your client wants to "save" money by paying them directly, make sure he knows that the coordination fee to work with them is still going to be reflected in your fee, even if at this point you have to submit it as an Additional Service. Let them know that what they are doing is really absorbing the responsibility for their work and that the consultants will still be directed and coordinated through you. If they don't see it that way, as a singular cohesive team of design professionals answering to a single entity, you, then you might want to considering taking a pass on that client. You can't take on the liability of the coordination effort without the proper compensation, and recognition. You might even ant to run this up the pole with your insurance company and get their perspective on how this would effect the wording of contract.
Often I've worked with the "owner's consultants" and been asked to "review" or "comment" on their work. I always charge for it, no matter when in the process it occurs.
Mark Forth, AIA, IIDA, LEED-AP
Principal | Mark Forth Architect, Inc.
Laguna Hills, CA
Original Message:
Sent: 09-10-2013 18:11
From: Kate Svoboda-Spanbock
Subject: Owner Consultants / Contracts
This message has been cross posted to the following Discussion Forums: Project Delivery and Construction Contract Administration .
In the process of putting together a contract for a project where the Owner will be hiring the consultants directly.
Any easy way to do that? I tried to search the discussions but didn't come up with anything that looked obviously like the right thing.
Kate Svoboda-Spanbock AIA, CID
HERE Design and Architecture
Los Angeles CA