Technology in Architectural Practice

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  • 1.  Specifications writing

    Posted 09-07-2010 08:28 AM
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussion Forums: Technology in Architectural Practice and Practice Management .
    My office is in the process of reevaluating our specifications software.  Because our work is so specialized, we have set up several of our own standard sections.  However, with our current software, Masterspec, it is difficult to maintain these sections with each Masterspec update.  I am wondering if others can suggest a better way of handling office standard sections or if we should go to another software like Speclink?  And for each project, we rewrite each section using Linx which can be a very lengthy process.  Is there a better way or is it just a software issue?


    Wayne Chang AIA
    Project Manager, Associate
    CLRdesign, Inc.
    Philadelphia PA

  • 2.  RE:Specifications writing

    Posted 09-08-2010 08:13 AM
    Our office uses SpecLink.  We have used this software for 6 years.  Like you, we have customized many of the sections within SpecLink.  It does a great job of keeping these sections in their system and even keeps them as we upgrade.  You would be able to import all of the sections you have currently customized and move on from there.  

    Our view, SpecLink would do a great job of handling your issues.

    Robert A Glisson AIA
    Rojo Architecture
    Tampa FL

  • 3.  RE:Specifications writing

    Posted 09-08-2010 09:04 AM

    Have you contacted Masterspec and complained?  You should not loose your information every time they do an update and their software should be open enough to allow you to make changes to documents and re-use them as templates. 
    Gabriel Romero AIA
    The RKtects Studio Inc.
    Bethesda MD

  • 4.  RE:Specifications writing

    Posted 09-08-2010 07:29 PM
    I have been using SpecLink+ for serveral years, and I highly recommend this product. I tried MasterSpec one time, and will never go that route again.

    With SpecLink+ you can insert your own spec sections, and never need to worry about losing anything with any of the quarterly updates. SpecLink+ is less word processing and more criteria selection. The content is fully customizable, or you can make selections "out of the box."

    There are safeguards in the software to alert you when a selection in one section affects selections in another section. The entire specification can be printed with one click, and every section will be formatted exactly alike, it will generate its own table of contents, and all the pages will be properly numbered, if desired.

    There are some cool features, too. For example you can print out a list of all sections that require submittals, and subdivide them into data, brochures, and samples.

    It is very important to partake in a training course, whether in person, online, or via teleconference. If you have clerical staff who will be placing your specs into SpecLink+, you should send the clerk to the full-blown training course.

    Did I say I highly recommend SpecLink+?

    Charles Graham AIA
    O'Neal, Inc.
    Greenville SC

  • 5.  RE:Specifications writing

    Posted 09-09-2010 12:41 PM
    I too use Speclink+ by Building Systems Design (  Their current "new improved" product is called Speclink e.  It is definitely worth looking at the demo available on their web site.  It can be used on several levels, depending on how deep you want to get in the automation of your spec.  This would be an especially good choice if you are not "set in your ways", having used another system.  This is a checklist based system and works from a single database.  You should give the demo a try!

    Wesley Anderton AIA
    Anderton W Scott Architect
    Birmingham AL

  • 6.  RE:Specifications writing

    Posted 09-11-2010 07:59 PM

    I am a full-time spec writer who values the depth of the content in MasterSpec and have learned how to get the most out of the SpecWare tools that come with the system.  I started working BC - Before Computers.  I have always been an early adopter of any technology that improves productivity, but I won't go out and get the latest time-saving gadget if it produces inferior results.

    I have used MasterSpec for more than 35 years on projects of all types and would be lost using anything else.  There isn't another master specification system that has the fully-researched content providing enough language from the reference standards to give installers what they need know without going to the library to look up the standard.  That translates to fewer questions and surprises on the job.

    Richard Howard AIA, NCARB, CSI, CCS, SCIP
    Richard G. Howard, Architect
    Columbus OH