Technology in Architectural Practice

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  • 1.  Will pods replace transit?

    Posted 10-29-2015 10:00 PM

    Will Pods Replace Transit?

    U While some areas, especially in the U.S., are still fighting the decades-old battle of car versus transit (Exhibit #1 the governor of Maryland's killing of the ready-to-construct Baltimore Red Line in favor of more rural roads), others declare this to be the season for "alternative" ideas in which transit takes on some futuristic, previously unknown shape. After the City of Baltimore issued a very open-ended request for proposals for transportation ideas, it has become the target of such concepts which in one form or another have been batted around for at least as many decades as the cars versus transit battle has been going on. The idea always seems to be how the comfort and convenience of the private cocoon that is the car can be combined with the convenience of not having to drive.
    SkyTran concept drawing: Straight from the comic books
    Some concepts seem to come straight from comic books such as theSkyTran, a monorail like the 1975 system in Morgantown but sleeker. The automated driving capsule, now commonly called a “pod”, is an idea that gets revived periodically, usually envisioned as a futuristic monorail system elegantly elevated over streets with pods gliding effortlessly above congestion, confusion and, likely, above the heads of transportation decision makers as well. SkyTran is currently prospecting in Baltimore, and there are at least two people excited about it already (The Mayor and her transportation chief).
    Then there is the idea that new technology can make old-fashioned well know modes of transit super cool. That includes making the bus more attractive through technology variously described as rapid, express, or quick bus or as a "BRT" system operated via smart technology which supposedly has the power to rejuvenate...

    Read full article here

    Klaus Philipsen FAIA
    Archplan Inc. Philipsen Architects
    Baltimore MD