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Custom Residential Architect Network Seeking Qualified Applicants for Emerging Professionals Committee

  • 1.  Custom Residential Architect Network Seeking Qualified Applicants for Emerging Professionals Committee

    Posted 01-23-2014 09:44 AM
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    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussion Forums: Small Firm Round Table and Small Project Practitioners .
    The AIA/CRAN Emerging Professionals (EP) Committee is looking to expand! We would like to invite you to join in the only AIA Knowledge Community committee specifically geared towards helping emerging architectural professionals in the residential niche of our industry. The EP committee is dedicated to helping support, advocate for and educate recent graduates and emerging professionals (those pursuing licensure and those licensed less than 10 years) on the opportunities available to them in residential practice.

    The AIA/CRAN Emerging Professional Committee, a sub-committee to the AIA/CRAN Advisory Group, is represented by a 16-member executive committee including a chairperson, a past chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Second Vice Chairperson, an EP representative on the CRAN AG, and a secretary.  CRAN hosts many programs and events on both the local and national levels, including our annual Symposium, sessions at the AIA National Convention and our annual Knowledge Leadership Assembly (KLA).  For continuity and strength within CRAN's leadership, our goal is for EP committee members to move up to committee leadership positions and potentially serve on the CRAN Advisory Group.

    Please find application attached. To find out more about the CRAN EP Committee, please contact Lindsay Colwell, CRAN EP Chair, at

    Lindsay Colwell Assoc. AIA, NAHB CGP
    Architectural Designer
    Strong Kennedy Architects
    Scottsdale, AZ
