There are companies, usually law firms, that serve as registered agents. I pay $40 each annually for the ones I use in AL & FL. I found them online.
Linna Frederick FAIA
Frederick & Frederick Architects
Beaufort SC
Original Message:
Sent: 06-29-2017 09:55
From: Scott Rappe
Subject: "Registered Agent" for Wisconsin-registered design firm
Are any of my SPP colleagues operating (legally) in Wisconsin as out-of-state incorporated design firms?
My Chicago based, Illinois-incorporated firm needs to register as a "foreign corporation" in Wisconsin to operate there.
I need to find a find a "registered agent" to accept legal correspondence on our behalf, since we do not have a physical office in the state.
How have other small firms handled this?
Is anyone using a registered-agent services for this? I'd appreciate recommendations?
Has anyone paired up with a Wisconsin-based colleagues to take on the role?
Scott Rappe AIA, LEED AP
Kuklinski + Rappe Architects PC
Chicago IL