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AIA/CRAN Symposium Registration is open Charleston Sept 18-20

  • 1.  AIA/CRAN Symposium Registration is open Charleston Sept 18-20

    Posted 07-08-2014 07:32 PM
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussion Forums: Housing Knowledge Community and Custom Residential Architects Network .
    Registration for the 7th Annual CRAN Symposium in Charleston S.C. is open so I urge you to take advantage of early registration which ends July 31st! For information about the Symposium go to and click on the Symposium tab. Earn over 22 LU's during the two and a half days of 8 sessions, 2 panel discussions, 2 half days of house tours, sponsors exhibits and most importantly networking with peers who work in single family residential architecture.

    This years theme, "The Architecture of Influence" will explore the importance of history and context in the design of new houses, and in particular how the careful consideration of historical architectural styles - both traditional and Modernist - can help architects design houses that contribute to established physical and cultural settings. How a new house or building looks is fundamental to how a community responds to it, and this symposium is intended to encourage an ongoing conversation about what it means to design a good architectural neighbor in the 21st century.

    We hope to see you there,

    John Isch AIA
    RWA Architects, Inc.
    Cincinnati OH