Hey Jeffrey, thanks for your post. I would be interested in these resources as well, but I am coming from the "other side". As I begin transition into a firm where only 1 of the "names on the door" is still active in the business, I wonder how it will be when I am the majority stakeholder, then sole owner with no connection to the previous name(s).
I'm sure you've also seen the tendency of clients, engineers, etc to call firms by their former lengthy title (i.e. Brittain, Thompson, Bray, Brown instead of the current name BTBB, inc.) even years after a name change has occurred. Ultimately, the history of a firm matters
because of the legacy those names left. I pray that I can continue that legacy and improve on their successes. After all, as Isaac Newton (and others) have remarked "We stand on the shoulders of Giants..."
I hope that the SFRT takes this as a call to action, especially considering the number of smaller firms that have emerged from the Great Recession and the major shift to occur as the Baby Boomer generation heads into retirement.
Thanks again for your input.
Will Stanford, AIA + LEED Green Associate
BTBB, Inc.
Macon GA
Original Message:
Sent: 02-23-2015 19:50
From: Jeffrey Rosenblum
Subject: Small Firm Ownership Transition
I have just gone throught an Ownership transition and sold out my stock in my firm. During the process I learned that all the information in AIA's data files are for medium and large firms. The SFRT needs to initate discussions, panels, programs, manuals, and standard SOP's for the small firm where the name on the door is the greatest firm asset.
Jeffrey Rosenblum FAIA
Rosenblum Coe Architects, Inc.
Charleston SC