We have been using Deltek Ajera. We started using it when we were 30 people, and it seems to work well for us at 60,
We came from the old Wind2 system, and were apprehensive of the change, but it has served us well. We have also adopted their scheduling modules, which help integrate work flow.
Jerry Roller AIA
JKRP Architects
Philadelphia PA
Original Message:
Sent: 07-28-2020 17:26
From: Steve Davis
Subject: Accounting software
We're looking at an alternative for accounting software. We've been using Deltek Vision, but I think there may be better options for smaller firms. We're a 20 person firm doing commercial work. We use Vision for accounting, billing and time keeping. It is a good product and is integrated well. There are so many components we don't find useful and it's not intuitive.
Steve Davis AIA
Canizaro Cawthon Davis
Jackson MS