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Accounting software

  • 1.  Accounting software

    Posted 07-28-2020 05:26 PM
    We're looking at an alternative for accounting software. We've been using Deltek Vision, but I think there may be better options for smaller firms. We're a 20 person firm doing commercial work. We use Vision for accounting, billing and time keeping. It is a good product and is integrated well. There are so many components we don't find useful and it's not intuitive.

    Steve Davis AIA
    Canizaro Cawthon Davis
    Jackson MS

  • 2.  RE: Accounting software

    Posted 07-29-2020 05:25 PM
    We've been using Quickbooks Pro for over 20 years now, for accounting, billing and timekeeping.
    If is straighforward and many, many people use it. I can recommend it.

    Sara Gensburg AIA
    Sara E.F. Gensburg Ltd.
    Northbrook IL

  • 3.  RE: Accounting software

    Posted 07-29-2020 05:36 PM
    You might like Deltek's Ajera product. I bought it before Deltek acquired it. It's less robust than Vision and more suitable for a smaller company. I do miss Vision's robust reporting - Ajera does not make it easy to do customized reports. It does, however, an excellent job of tracking time, project costs, etc. Billing is SUPER easy. We have been able to go 100% paperless with Ajera. And, I think, at a much more reasonable price than Vision.

    Carol Gillen Assoc. AIA
    Sierra Architects
    Waltham MA

  • 4.  RE: Accounting software

    Posted 07-29-2020 07:32 PM
    I would recommend Monograph - built by those with architecture degrees for architects!

    Evelyn Lee AIA
    Senior Workplace Experience Strategy
    Slack Technologies Inc
    Lafayette CA

  • 5.  RE: Accounting software

    Posted 07-29-2020 08:00 PM
    We are a 12 person firm that has been with Deltek for a long time. We have been using Agera and when offered the opportunity to upgrade to Vision when it came out declined. The cost was greater and we would not use much of what Vision offers. What took us to the next level was not the software but a new younger bookkeeper who was able to master the program. We now use more of the program and feel we are getting more/better info out of it for the first time in years. If we can be a resource to someone you are welcome to reach out.

    Joe Williams
    Sent from my iPhone

  • 6.  RE: Accounting software

    Posted 07-30-2020 09:47 PM
    Monograph just updated their project planner.
    I love that they interface is not only functional but beautiful enough to do the project schedule directly into a proposal.


    *** sent from my phone, please excuse my thumbs
    Evelyn M. Lee
    Direct: 213.915.8125

  • 7.  RE: Accounting software

    Posted 07-30-2020 01:40 PM

    Axium is now owned by Deltek, but it is the system we prefer.



    Bill Laughlin, AIA, CPD, LEED AP BD+C
    Vice President


    Designing Solutions.  Building Trust.  Enriching Lives.
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    Celebrating over 50 years of valued partnerships and innovative design.

  • 8.  RE: Accounting software

    Posted 07-30-2020 02:03 PM
    We have been using Deltek Ajera. We started using it when we were 30 people, and it seems to work well for us at 60,
    We came from the old Wind2 system, and were apprehensive of the change, but it has served us well. We have also adopted their scheduling modules, which help integrate work flow.

    Jerry Roller AIA
    JKRP Architects
    Philadelphia PA

  • 9.  RE: Accounting software

    Posted 07-30-2020 02:37 PM

    We also use Ajera for +/-300 employees and +/-$70M gross revenue.  No complaints that I am aware of.



    Bill Laughlin, AIA, CPD, LEED AP BD+C
    Vice President


    Designing Solutions.  Building Trust.  Enriching Lives.
    Office 704.540.3755
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    Celebrating over 50 years of valued partnerships and innovative design.

  • 10.  RE: Accounting software

    Posted 07-30-2020 06:20 PM
    I have used both Vision and Ajera in the past with architectural firms of that grew from 20 to approximately 40 people.  I would lean toward Ajera over Vision, but also Ajera was purchased by Deltek so they now own both products so I am not sure on the future product development.  I recently launch a new architectural firm earlier in the year and I was looking for something a little more nimble and flexible.  I settled on Clearview now owned by Unanet and have been very satisfied.    It does not have the polished interface as Deltek but the functionality has met my needs.   Also the cost was substantially less than Visions or Deltek for the same the functionality.  You can check it out

    William Thomas AIA
    505 Architects LLC
    Tulsa OK