The CAVAD Architecture Symposia
Contemplating Warehouses and Worship
Call for Papers / Presentations
When: October 19 – 20, 2018
Where: California Baptist University, Riverside, CA
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2018
Notification Due: September 10, 2018
Symposium URL:
Call for Papers / Presentations
"Contemplating Warehouses and Worship"
California Baptist University department of Architecture invites presentation and paper proposals for its annual design symposium, "Contemplating Warehouses and Worship" to be held October 26 – 27, 2018 in Riverside, CA. Papers and presentations should seek to address and assess the contemporary situation of church design practice, including but not limited to architectural, theological, missiological, liturgical, and sociological, and community development considerations.
The paper / presentation session topics may include the following, or may be submitted in an open category:
From Church to Warehouse, From Warehouse to Church
Exploring Attractional Church Architecture
Architectural Form Responses to Church Outreach Models
Efficacy of Architectural Evangelism
Sacredness and Evangelical Architecture
Church Architecture in a Secular Culture
Role of Patronage in Church Architecture
Archetypes and Antitypes
Architecture and Great Awakenings
Emerging Evangelical Liturgy
Emerging Trajectories in Church Architecture
Proposals are welcomed from both scholars, working professionals, and students.
Student engagement is encouraged from undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral levels from a variety of disciplines.
Further Submission Details can be found on the symposium website or via the attachment.
Matthew Niermann, Ph.D., AIA
Associate Dean
California Baptist University
Riverside CA